Ph.D. Astrophysics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018-2023

Ph.D. thesis: "Characterization of Extragalactic fast X-ray transients from X-ray archival searches," under the supervision of Prof. Franz Bauer and Prof. Peter Jonker

Msc. Astrophysics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2016-2018

Master thesis: "The exceptional X-ray evolution of SN1996cr in high resolution", under the supervision of Prof. Franz Bauer (link).

Bsc. Physics, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 2009-2015

Bachelor thesis: "Temporal and spectral analysis of the internal structure of long GRBs with z=1", under the

supervision of Prof. Nicolás Vásquez (link).

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